Április hónap Depósai: Selemani Rashidi és Masoud Ansari

Please tell us a bit more about yourself! What are you studying now, etc.?

Masoud Ansari    

I am Masoud Ansari (33 years old), a master of science student in the field of architecture at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, I came to Budapest nearly three years ago, and during my living here I gained lots of good experiences both in educational life and in my personal life so that I am thankful about this since also the Budapest is a really beautiful city with the nice people.

Selemani Rashidi

My name is Selemani Rashidi from Tanzania, I am a student at the Budapest University of
Technology and Economics (BME), studying Master of Science in Logistics Engineering.

What are you working as? Tell us everything about your tasks!

Masoud Ansari    

Nowadays as a student, I am working a part-time job in a factory which is located in the suburban area of Budapest and this job was offered to me by the Melodepo Agency Group in Budapest. my task there is to assemble and manufacture the small elements of lighting for cars.  

Selemani Rashidi

I work at Innotec through the Meló-Depó Agency, who provide opportunities for college students in Hungary to do various jobs and gain experience for various professional cadres. My tasks here at Innotec is to do various activities including products assembling, cutting parts, cleaning parts and some other activities.

Do you like working there? What is the best part of it?

Masoud Ansari    

I enjoy working there because of the working atmosphere which is positive and nice due to my nice co-workers and boss, additionally, the best part of it is when we try to do our tasks as a team together and achieve the best record with each other.

Selemani Rashidi

I really like working at Innotec and I even wish one day to be told that I am given the chance to
stay there to work because we work as a team and we are happy to work together, all the employees
are very kind and loving.

What have you learned at work that you can use in real life?

Masoud Ansari   

To be honest, I learned various things but the most important ones were about patience, consistency, and discipline. what I meant that is when we want to achieve any goals everywhere or at any time, those small steps that we take at the best time with perseverance can lead to success.  

Selemani Rashidi

Something I have learned at Innotec is to work hard no matter what position you have and who
you work with, there are times when the Manager comes to guide us and work with us, and also
he always ask us which part we see that needs to be improved, and this is a very big thing for me.

What advice would you give to foreign students working in Hungary?

Masoud Ansari    

There is no such advice but never give up and just keep going, life has its ups and downs, so be prepared for the rainy day, and then when you pass it just enjoy the sunshine, this is the principle of our world otherwise life would be boring.

Selemani Rashidi

The advice I give to foreign students here in Hungary is to make good use of the opportunities
given to us by working hard if it is part of learning and gaining practical skills because we learn
many things including operations, time management, leading and others.

What do you think about our company Meló-Depó, and your project manager?

Masoud Ansari    

Melo Depo is one of the best student work agencies in Budapest becuase of their organized attitude and also the good behavior that they have with international students. This relates to my project manager as well.

Thanks again for your support and everything you did for our growth!

Selemani Rashidi

I'm really proud to work with Meló-Depó Agency, it's a company that cares and appreciates its
employees. I am very happy to work with this company and I even wish to continue working in
this Company.





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