A novemberi hónap depósa Szegeden: Moussa Soukouna

Tell us a few things about yourself, what do you study, ehat kind od job do you have here, at Meló-Depó?

My name is Moussa Soukouna , 3 rd year student in human and social sciences ( BTK francia). I work as a vegetable packer at Premium Kert in my free days when I don't have class. 

In what field would you like to work in after being a student? How did you work experiences helped you in your life?

After studies I want to work in HR ( Human resource ). The experience that helped me was working in a call center for 7 years where I was agent after manager of a team.

Do you have any funny or entertaining story from your workplace that you would like to tell us? 

As a funny story, just the employees help us to know Hungarian culture.  

What do you think about us, the Meló-Depó?

Meló-Depó is a structured company and always available for anyone who wants to work.

...and a last one. What advice would you give to the future generation?

For the future generation I can advise them to always do their best in everything they do. 

További híreink
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